Dunstable, Grove Park, Court Drive, LU5 4GP
Fabulous final show of the season in the lovely surrounds of the upper foyer at the Grove Theatre Dunstable. As ever, a top Barnstormers Comedy MC will be onhand to introduce three more excellent acts from the London Comedy Circuit and beyond. Tonight, they are: hilarious ranting West Midlander Sean Percival, 'No holds barred, No punches pulled, No subjects ducked, A masterclass in comedy' - Birmingham Evening Mail; mordant song-and-gag man Anthony King, 'It's the one-liners that set him apart. Sparse, efficient, unexpected - and often with a delicious twinge of underlying nastiness - each one is an elegant example of perfect joke construction' - Chortle; and star of Only Fools and Horses and Bugsy Malone Jeff Stevenson.